First published in July 2007, the Practitioner’s Manual of Patent Examining Procedure is a “go to” resource for all patent practitioners. The 2012 update will soon be available!
The Practitioner’s Manual of Patent Examining Procedure interprets and annotates the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Manual of Patent Examining Procedure with insights gained over years of practice by Cheryl H. Agris, the principal author and contributing authors Brenda Pomerance of the Law Office of Brenda Pomerance, Amy Gallup Klann, Ph.D., Shilpa Patel, Ph.D. Thomas Burrows, M.D. and Robert Levy of Thomson Licensing. Author comments, practice references and other links thoroughly explain the practices and procedures underpinning the application process.
Thomson-Reuters, the nation’s foremost legal publisher, publishes the Practitioner’s Manual of Patent Examining Procedure in a three-volume edition. The Practitioner’s Manual of Patent Examining Procedure is also available online Westlaw under the database identifier PMPEP. It is supplemented at least annually.
The Practitioner’s Manual of Patent Examining Procedure contains the full text of the 8th Edition, Revision #6 of the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP) for single source research. It provides patent practitioners with perspective and direction that will allow use of the MPEP to its fullest. The author comments show how the MPEP can be used to overcome objections and rejections during the prosecution of a patent application and highlights best practices that are most useful when preparing a patent and during special situations such as interference, reexamination and issue proceedings. The Practice References provide references to recent relevant case law and secondary references. To see a sample section of the Practitioner’s Manual of Patent Examining Procedure with representative Author Comments and Practice References, click on the following link §2112 Requirements of Rejection Based on Inherency; Burden of Proof.
As shown in the Chapter Listings below, the Chapters correspond to the government manual for easy reference and fast research.
Secrecy, Access, National Security, and Foreign Filing
Types, Cross-Noting, and Status of Application
Ownership and Assignment
Representative of Inventor or Owner
Receipt and Handling of Mail Papers
Parts, Form, and Content of Application
Examination of Applications
Restrictions in Applications Filed Under 35 U.S.C. 111; Double Patenting
Prior Art, Classification, Search
Matters Decided by Various U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Officials
Statutory Invention Registration (SIR) and Pre-Grant Publication (PG Pub)
Allowance and Issue
Correction of Patents
Design Patents
Plant Patents
Patent Cooperation Treaty
Duty of Disclosure
Citation of Prior Art and Ex Parte Reexamination of Patents
Interference Proceedings
Maintenance Fees
Optional Inter Partes Reexamination
Patent Terms and Extensions
Appendix I- Partial List of Trademarks
Appendix II- List of Decisions Cited
Appendix L- Patent Laws
Appendix R- Patent Rules
Appendix T- Patent Cooperation Treaty
Appendix Al- Administrative Instructions under the PCT
Appendix P- Paris Convention
Table of Laws and Rules
For information from Thomson Reuters on ordering a hard copy of the Practitioner’s Manual of Patent Examining Procedure click here. |